Monday, April 30, 2007

Charlicity!: An Introduction

Several years ago I moved across the country to find out exactly who the "real" Charlie was. I never did discover the answer but had a blast nonetheless. In fact, my self discovery journey was so much fun that I decided to take another one...this time with a lil' salsa flair! In a few short weeks my luscious locks will be bursting with natural blond highlights thanks to the many Tequila sunrises I'll be enduring.

Guadalajara sunrises to be more exact. I recently learned that Guadalajara is Spanish for "City Of Roses" only to uncover it is actually an Arabic word meaning "River Of Shit, River Of Sewage". Be it a "city of roses" or a "river of shit", I really don't care. I'm gonna rediscover myself for a second time either way!

I'm not starting this blog from the beginning of my Guadalajara experience like any normal blogger would do. Instead, I beginning from where I'm leaving off.

Which, in turn, takes me back to those luscious locks of mine.

My first act on the road to a 2ND second self discovery was to prove to myself that I am in control of this journey. If any of you ever had any depth whatsoever in the late '90s you've watched a few episodes of the WB's FELICITY. I know I'm not going to win any creativity points with this one but why mess with such a clever idea? As an act of independence and strength, I too chopped my ringlets off.

I, babiest char, will be arriving into Mexico as a strong, independent (wo)man who will not let any Latino keep him down. Beware, South of the Boarder! Besides, it's going to be really warm in Mexico during the summer and who wants all that extra insulation on their head?

This time around, I will be doing a few things differently. The whole 'not knowing anyone' or even 'speaking the language' is definitely going to be a change. More importantly, however, I plan on keeping this blog updated for family, friends and above all, yours truly. Finally! I'll have documented proof of at least one of my self discovery journeys.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy self discoveries!