Thursday, June 14, 2007

"Friend i MIZZ the Mozt" Award for week of JUNE 11th

The award for "Friend i MIZZ the Mozt" goes to.......

bbiest youngerz!


a) i never posted any pics of him during my goodbi party review even tho he was a major part of the events.

b) he recently had a commitment cermony and didn' t invite me. i'm hoping he sees this award and realize what a shitty friend he is.

c) he is on the verge of buying a ticket to visit me and this award might be the final push that will make him actually go through with it.


Meaty Thighs said...

baby char, to get young to come to mexico you just have to tell him about all the cheap food. the boy will do anything for food.

YZA said...

bbchar, i'm glad you realize what a great friend i am. don't ever forget it. i miss you!!!!

YZA said...

and what's this commitment ceremony you're talking about?