Friday, September 28, 2007


Saúl (the hottest person on this god forsaken, ugly earth) has asked me in the past if I wanted to play soccer with him and the boys. I always respond by internally freaking out followed by me declining. Once I leave the situation and regain my sanity, I curse myself for dropping out of soccer at the age of nine. If only I had known that continuing to play would help me get laid in México.

Yesterday, however, instead of asking me to PLAY soccer, Saul asked if I wanted to WATCH him play soccer. I didn't know whether to laugh in his face or simply melt into the ground. Clearly he loves me and decided that if he can't play soccer with me, the next best thing is to let me watch him play.

I wanted to go more than life itself but of course I had to hold on to my self respect. I'm not some 16yo cheerleader (anymore) dating the captain of the football team. The image of me sitting on the bleachers wearing an over sized college sweatshirt, a banana clip, and leotards came into my head and stopped me from going.

Missing the opportunity to watch Saúl prance around in short shorts kicking balls into that net thingy will forever haunt my mind. I guess there are some things I won't sacrifice my pride for. YAY!

1 comment:

YZA said...

OHMYGOD, your blog is so heartbreaking! Why is life so, so cruel?